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What should be free?

Dec 3, 2023
What are those things which you feel that should be free and not paid for? They are definitely things which our government can take out and make it to be free of charge for all the citizens who needs it.

Let's hear your opinions on this one.
1. Electricity. This is a modern civilization necessity. And it's been proven that we can generate it for free using a variety of techniques involving magnetism and/or elevation.
2. Insurance should not be a thing. It's a scam. Period. I pay a monthly rate for access to medical coverage, that doesn't always get covered because some guy in a suit in an office without a medical degree decides that I, the patient, don't need it, contrary to what my doctor says. Many other First World countries have Socialized Healthcare, and the citizens of those countries are typically happier.
3. Higher Education. Heck, Education period. A smarter society benefits EVERYONE. Look at how much misinformation, propaganda, fear mongering, and other things are said, which causes people to panic, or get into all their feelings and do crazy, and STUPID actions.
4. Personal Time Off Policies. A happier, more mentally stable employee is a more productive employee, which in turn, makes the company they work for more profitable. I'm not talking about a measly five days per year, I'm thinking something substantial, like what many countries in Europe have, like 25-30 days off from work. These should be paid (in essence free to the worker), which would reduce stress, anxiety, people going postal, and working with co-workers would be a more pleasant experience, because people are more rested.
5. Living Quarters. I'm not sure off the top of my head what the minimum space a human being needs for shelter/living space (I think it's something ridiculous like 80 square feet, but that should be granted for free per person in any family. Meaning that Renting that space should be free. This would help bring down the cost of living, which currently in America, and many other places in the world is way to f----g high! I say a certain amount of free space, because if you want more space, you should definitely pay for that.
1. Electricity. This is a modern civilization necessity. And it's been proven that we can generate it for free using a variety of techniques involving magnetism and/or elevation.
2. Insurance should not be a thing. It's a scam. Period. I pay a monthly rate for access to medical coverage, that doesn't always get covered because some guy in a suit in an office without a medical degree decides that I, the patient, don't need it, contrary to what my doctor says. Many other First World countries have Socialized Healthcare, and the citizens of those countries are typically happier.
3. Higher Education. Heck, Education period. A smarter society benefits EVERYONE. Look at how much misinformation, propaganda, fear mongering, and other things are said, which causes people to panic, or get into all their feelings and do crazy, and STUPID actions.
4. Personal Time Off Policies. A happier, more mentally stable employee is a more productive employee, which in turn, makes the company they work for more profitable. I'm not talking about a measly five days per year, I'm thinking something substantial, like what many countries in Europe have, like 25-30 days off from work. These should be paid (in essence free to the worker), which would reduce stress, anxiety, people going postal, and working with co-workers would be a more pleasant experience, because people are more rested.
5. Living Quarters. I'm not sure off the top of my head what the minimum space a human being needs for shelter/living space (I think it's something ridiculous like 80 square feet, but that should be granted for free per person in any family. Meaning that Renting that space should be free. This would help bring down the cost of living, which currently in America, and many other places in the world is way to f----g high! I say a certain amount of free space, because if you want more space, you should definitely pay for that.
Hands down, I support that education should be free. Looking at the thousands of people who are in debts as a result of this so called education isn't worth it. To top it all, not all of them are even employed.
1. Electricity. This is a modern civilization necessity. And it's been proven that we can generate it for free using a variety of techniques involving magnetism and/or elevation.
2. Insurance should not be a thing. It's a scam. Period. I pay a monthly rate for access to medical coverage, that doesn't always get covered because some guy in a suit in an office without a medical degree decides that I, the patient, don't need it, contrary to what my doctor says. Many other First World countries have Socialized Healthcare, and the citizens of those countries are typically happier.
3. Higher Education. Heck, Education period. A smarter society benefits EVERYONE. Look at how much misinformation, propaganda, fear mongering, and other things are said, which causes people to panic, or get into all their feelings and do crazy, and STUPID actions.
4. Personal Time Off Policies. A happier, more mentally stable employee is a more productive employee, which in turn, makes the company they work for more profitable. I'm not talking about a measly five days per year, I'm thinking something substantial, like what many countries in Europe have, like 25-30 days off from work. These should be paid (in essence free to the worker), which would reduce stress, anxiety, people going postal, and working with co-workers would be a more pleasant experience, because people are more rested.
5. Living Quarters. I'm not sure off the top of my head what the minimum space a human being needs for shelter/living space (I think it's something ridiculous like 80 square feet, but that should be granted for free per person in any family. Meaning that Renting that space should be free. This would help bring down the cost of living, which currently in America, and many other places in the world is way to f----g high! I say a certain amount of free space, because if you want more space, you should definitely pay for that.
I agree with basically all of this. Well said.

Insurance is probably my biggest takeaway as it's incredibly frustrating paying so many monthly things because of you "need it." Healthcare is way too expensive and so is insurance.
I agree with basically all of this. Well said.

Insurance is probably my biggest takeaway as it's incredibly frustrating paying so many monthly things because of you "need it." Healthcare is way too expensive and so is insurance.
Seriously, healthcare is truly very expensive. It's why when I see some people who self medicate, I don't really blame them too much because they simply can't afford paying for proper healthcare and treatments. The government doesn't care one bit.
Seeing that I'm going to be one of these self-medicating people as I've just lost my Medicaid and I can't afford the $200/month insurance from my work AND pay rent each month.
Seeing that I'm going to be one of these self-medicating people as I've just lost my Medicaid and I can't afford the $200/month insurance from my work AND pay rent each month.
We all just have to do what we can to get by. If you're self-medicating, just make sure that you're doing it right so that you don't end up complicating things for the worst.
I know it is always a difficult choice to pick what is supposed to be free, but I think health care should be free. This will give more people an opportunity to access health services.
I know it is always a difficult choice to pick what is supposed to be free, but I think health care should be free. This will give more people an opportunity to access health services.
Yeah, that's very correct. Also, for the fact that health care is something needed by everyone, it makes sense for it to be made free. Both man, woman, kids, rich or poor will have access to it.
I especially feel this right now, as I've lost my health coverage, and I'm running into difficulties getting enrolled into my work's plan (that I'll have to spend an additional $200/month for)...and hopefully my doctor and preferred "clinic" is covered.
I especially feel this right now, as I've lost my health coverage, and I'm running into difficulties getting enrolled into my work's plan (that I'll have to spend an additional $200/month for)...and hopefully my doctor and preferred "clinic" is covered.
I hope they are both covered for you mate because it's going to make things a bit more easier for you with taking care of yourself and health.
I've read several articles in which it stated that insurance companies are the reason why hospital visits cost so much. In order to "save" their clients money, they asked hospitals to charge more to everyone and cut them a deal, which is still more than they even used to charge. Over time it just kind of snowballed into what it is today. I'm ready to move to Canada for the healthcare alone.