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If you won the lottery..

What would you buy? Would you still work in any capacity? Would you invest your money in either the stock market or real estate? Would you buy your dream house/car? What would those include or be?

I'd personally take a chunk of it and purchase my dream house and car. I'd probably get a house near a beach and get myself an older Toyota Supra or Porche 911. After that's taken care of, I'd probably purchase a few houses to rent out and have them pay for themselves and invest in creating a few companies that make passive income for myself. I'd probably take a look into investing in some stocks that I've had my eye on as of late as well.
Everything depends on how much I was able to win from playing the lottery. Although, for starters, I don't play lottery or get involved in any kind of gambling but if I did and won a big money prize from $200 million upwards, I'll complete my house building project that's currently going on. I would definitely be getting one of those Telsa self driving electric cars.
If I won the lottery, I'd probably move out of the USA. Where? I have no clue, but I don't like where the US is heading politically. I would probably buy a nice parcel of land with running water nearby, build a modest home and dedicate my life towards creativity, like writing, maybe game development, but at any rate, I'd be working for myself! And screw that stupid alarm clock!!
If I won the lottery, I'd probably move out of the USA. Where? I have no clue, but I don't like where the US is heading politically. I would probably buy a nice parcel of land with running water nearby, build a modest home and dedicate my life towards creativity, like writing, maybe game development, but at any rate, I'd be working for myself! And screw that stupid alarm clock!!
You can just decide to become apolitical and not concern yourself with what they are doing with their politics. Seriously, I can tell you that most countries all of the world are fu*k when it comes to how they go about their political businesses. There's nothing good to write home about my country.
The problem is, that while I've been apolitical in my younger years, I've noticed that because *I* didn't get out and vote, things were changed that aren't in my interest. The few people that do vote, get a chance to at least have their voices heard. Now, whether or not the politicians actually LISTEN to the voters, (I'm looking at you, Ohio), is another matter entirely.

But seriously, screw this being ruled by the darn clock! It's not natural.
The problem is, that while I've been apolitical in my younger years, I've noticed that because *I* didn't get out and vote, things were changed that aren't in my interest. The few people that do vote, get a chance to at least have their voices heard. Now, whether or not the politicians actually LISTEN to the voters, (I'm looking at you, Ohio), is another matter entirely.

But seriously, screw this being ruled by the darn clock! It's not natural.
Yeah, I get that feeling which comes from having the guilt blame when you don't vote and the politicians who got elected end up doing stuffs you will never agree to. You'd be feeling like if you had voted, they might not be there to make such decisions. It really sucks whichever way you look at it.
Hmmmm. I would probably move to another country maybe the UK or Japan, I am with @Senkusha, and I would say I do not like where the US going to get me a nice house on a hill somewhere (if it's the UK) or a nice apartment in Toyko and follow my dream of doing web/graphic design.

Have you attempted to start following your dream of web/graphic design yet, @Sinistra ? Personally, I'm looking to start a game design company. Probably with a focus on role playing games, and I like computer game design too.
If I won the lottery, I'd buy stuff I need, buy a few things I want, and put some of the money away.
Anything that is left over would be given to my close family members.
My #1 priority right now would be a new car. My car is pretty junky and old, and it definitely could use a deep clean.

I would say I'd like to buy my own house, but I don't feel comfortable living alone. Which is one reason I live with my parents.

I would probably try and save a lot for future things I run into or retirement.
Hmmmm. I would probably move to another country maybe the UK or Japan, I am with @Senkusha, and I would say I do not like where the US going to get me a nice house on a hill somewhere (if it's the UK) or a nice apartment in Toyko and follow my dream of doing web/graphic design.

How funny this life can be sometimes. A lot of people in African countries where I'm from want to do anything possible to move to USA while those who are already based in USA are looking at leaving 😂.
That tells you quite a bit about the amount of propaganda the Government is spreading.