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📌 Pinned Resources Thread

Here are some resources that could be helpful.

  • GIMP - Free graphics software
  • Paint.NET - Free graphics software
  • Canva - Free/paid graphics software
  • Inscape - Free graphics software
Upload Servers
Many of these are resources that I've used in the past and can be useful in many ways. If you feel like there's something else that could be added, feel free to post below and I'll edit accordingly.
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GIMP, Canva and Imgur are the resource tools that I have used frequently for one task or another. Imgur made life easier for me with being able to upload pictures on forums that didn't enable attaching pictures.
Pixel 2 Life is my main go-to for Tutorials
ZeroChan is good for anime stock images.
[MiniToyko] Is another good resource for anime stock images. Also a good place to get wallpapers.
The Forgotten Lair has photoshop brushes renders and other resources.
I'm getting into using ZeroChan and MiniToyko without any delays. I've been looking for a good place to get cool anime stock images and wallpapers. Thanks for the recommendations buddy.
i dunno about you guys, but i personally find imgur's user interface to be just about unbearable these days, so might i recommend imgbb.com or imgbox.com as an alternative image upload server? (^^ã‚ž
i dunno about you guys, but i personally find imgur's user interface to be just about unbearable these days, so might i recommend imgbb.com or imgbox.com as an alternative image upload server? (^^ã‚ž

I haven't used either imgbb.com or imgbox.com but I'm going to have them checked out. About using imgur, I can't find anything bad with it as long as it gets the job done for me.
I added both of those! I guess I've just used imgur for so long that it doesn't bother me but that's understandable. :p
I haven't used either imgbb.com or imgbox.com but I'm going to have them checked out. About using imgur, I can't find anything bad with it as long as it gets the job done for me.
they keep changing how to upload/organize the images and albums. it's made the entire ui become so roundabout.