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How do you usually get rid of headaches?

Dec 3, 2023
Most of the time, once someone is having a headache, he or she will go for an analgesic pill as it helps to stop the headache in a short period of time. Personally, I make use of Sudrex whenever I'm having headaches and it works well. But when the headache keeps coming back after a few days, I will know that something else is wrong and that's what's causing me the headaches.

How do you usually get rid of your headaches?
I have medicine prescribed by my doctor for migraines and for headaches that may lead to a migraine. If it's not too bad though, I'll usually drink a glass of water, take some Tylenol and lay down for a bit.
A lady friend of mine talked about using water therapy for her headaches and it works very well for her. According to her, she can't remember the last time she had to take a pill for headaches. I'm thinking maybe her own headaches isn't that strong always.
I usually try the acupressure points first. At the back and base of the skull there's two points, also the inside of the ear, above the ear canal there's a part that sticks out. I've found that pressing both of those pieces of cartage help. The temples. And the bridge of the nose helps. Sometimes the tip of the nose, like just to pinch the sides of the tip of the nose can help. But when I get a bad migraine, I'll hide to a dark, quiet room and ingest a cocktail of ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Sometimes a hot shower helps.
I don't know if this is ok but I find that sleeping for however long my body needs seems to help with my headaches. <_<; But then again, it sometimes comes back so this might not always work all the time.
Oh, I totally understand this. You're body is a machine, and it needs rest, so whenever you have pain, your body is "displaying" an error message that needs your attention. Sometimes, the solution is simply rest (i.e., you've overheated the equipment!)
I don't know if this is ok but I find that sleeping for however long my body needs seems to help with my headaches. <_<; But then again, it sometimes comes back so this might not always work all the time.
As long as it's too much stress that's causing your headache, once you sleep and get rested well, it will take care of the headache. But if it's not stress, no amount of sleep that's going to stop it.