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Have you ever watched an anime just for the hype?

Have you ever watched an anime just because of the hype? Were your friends talking about it, and you just had to do it because you didn't want to feel left out? Was it outside of your typical genre that you stick to?

I watched AoT specifically only because of the hype, as well as Jujutsu Kaisen. I was hearing so much about both of those when Season 1 was airing and I just had to watch them. Jujutsu Kaisen became one of my favorites easily while AoT is.. AoT.
It was My Hero Academia that had me this way. At first when it came out, I wasn't that much interested in it but the hype was all over the place. I just had to force myself to watch it. I didn't know how I got so hooked with it that I was more like binge watching it.