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🚀 Update Bit of an update on myself

Had to take a bit of a break to get my mental health in check (I usually do this around twice a year) because of work. Tax season is a stressful time for me and I honestly burnt myself out from both work and from watching anime.

I was basically keeping up with around 15-20 different anime on a weekly basis during the winter season and realized that it was unhealthy and needed to take a step back from everything.
I won't be doing that again but I do plan on picking up a few things that I've missed, as well as update the directory going forward. Now that tax season is also over, work isn't as stressful and I'm not on the verge of having a mental breakdown on a daily basis because of that.

Just wanted to post an update to inform everyone what exactly happened, and what I've been dealing with.
Thanks for the update :) .

Sorry to hear about all the stress - but, I'm glad you're feeling better now!
It's very unfortunate that the human body isn't like a machine or robot that can go on without suffering burnout with depression and mental health issues. Do everything possible to always put yourself in a good shape mate and take care of yourself with your little one very well.