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Have you ever accidentally hurt yourself?

Dec 3, 2023
For me, it's more than once that I can remember to accidentally hurt myself. It happens all the time when I'm cooking. I've given myself more cuts than I can count from cutting stuffs in the kitchen. Last month, I cut myself with my clipper when I was trying to shave.

How about you? Have you ever accidentally hurt yourself? How did it happen?
Work in construction side so yes I hurt myself a lot one time I almost cut my thumb of by a ventilation pipe.
Work in construction side so yes I hurt myself a lot one time I almost cut my thumb of by a ventilation pipe.
All these for a man to make both ends meet with making money to take care of his responsibilities. May God bless every working man and woman out there because it's not easy.
I used to work in a kitchen as a chef before moving to a desk job, so I've burned myself, nearly cut fingers off (this was before proper training on how to prep vegetables), and numerous other things. I guess you could argue injuries from football/weight lifting count too. :p
Of course, football or workout injuries definitely counts very well. No one plays football or gym with the plan of getting themselves injured. Cooking is definitely not easy 😂.
When I was a kid, I think I was like 12, I was playing with some toy jet and had a destructive streak. I found a box cutter and started cutting into the toy and accidentally sliced my left wrist vertically (along the vein), and I think as luck would have it, right into my vein. I was home alone and I ran upstairs into the bathroom and held my wrist under cold running water, for like 15 minutes, then I wrapped it in a bunch of toilet paper for like another half an hour before it finally stopped bleeding. I still have the scar today. This is why you shouldn't have left us GenX children alone all day! LOL
All the time... I played with Lego a lot as a child, so it was inevitable that I sometimes stepped on pieces :p .

Also got my finger caught in a car door once... that was nasty!
Also got my finger caught in a car door once... that was nasty!
This nearly cut off one of my fingers when I was around 18 years if I remembered correctly. It's for this experience that I no longer seat by the door of any car.