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Early Bird or Night Owl?

May 17, 2024
Which one are you? If I had to choose, I would be more of a night owl because I don't have to work so early in the mornings anymore and stay up later than I usually do. But also, I just don't get enough sleep like I should and that causes me to become a night owl.

What about you? Are you more of an early bird or night owl?
Night owl. Seems like I've always had a proclivity towards it because I can remember being as young as ten and not falling asleep a lot of nights until 10PM-11PM.
Night owl 100%. I used to work evenings which were 3-11pm most nights so I'd always stay up super late after work and sleep tf in. Now, when I switched fields and got an office job, I started doing 8-4:30 and i switched to an early bird. I would typically be in bed around 10-11 without issue aside from the weekends. Nowadays, since my daughter was born my sleep schedules been shot. I stay up late because it's the only time I get to myself now. :p
I would rather be a night owl, although I kinda have to be an early bird for work!
I would rather be a night owl, although I kinda have to be an early bird for work!
You're definitely going to be one because you can't be both of them at once.

I'm a night owl 🦉! I don't sleep earlier and I don't sleep easily. I can stay in bed for hours before falling asleep.
I'm definitely a night owl; getting up early is not for me. It might be related to my insomnia, I'm not sure. But here I am at 2 AM, blasting music and posting on forums!
Pretty much both.

Naturally a night owl due to ADHD, but I've been having to go against my natural clock for school and work. So, I've been having to get up at 6AM. Sometimes, I go to bed really late though, RIP me.