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🚀 Update Celebrating Community Excellence: Introducing Forum Badges!

Hey everyone,

I hope you're all doing well! As a community, we've grown over the past 6 months together, fostering an environment of learning, sharing, and support. It's truly incredible to see the wealth of knowledge and passion that each of you brings to our anime discussions.

To further recognize and celebrate the contributions of our amazing members, I'm excited to introduce the idea of Forum Badges! These badges are designed to honor individuals who have made outstanding contributions to our community in various ways. Whether it's through insightful posts, helpful solutions, or simply being a supportive presence, there are countless ways in which each of you adds value to our forum.

Here's a brief overview of the proposed Forum Badges:
  1. 100/500/1k posts: Pretty simple, get 100 posts on the forum and you'll be awarded these badges.
  2. GFX Wizard: Post content related to graphics, or showcasing your ability and you'll be awarded this badge.
  3. Anime Expert: These users display a unique ability to provide excellent discussions towards anime.
  4. Manga Master: These users display a unique ability to provide excellent discussions towards manga.
  5. Contributor: Submit over 50 items to our anime/manga directory and you'll be awarded this badge.
These are just a few examples of badges that have already been added, and we're open to suggestions for additional badge categories that you think would resonate with our community. Ultimately, the goal of these badges is to highlight and appreciate the diverse talents, expertise, and personalities that make our community thrive.

Of course, badges are just one way to recognize the incredible contributions of our members. Every post, comment, and interaction helps to shape and enrich our community, and for that, I'm truly grateful to each and every one of you for sticking with us through the think and thin.

Please post suggestions for additional award categories or thoughts on how we can make this initiative even better. I'd love to hear your feedback and ideas!

Thank you so much for reading!
Throwing some ideas in for new badges.

Review Badge - Receive a badge for submitting anime reviews.
Veteran Badge - Receive a badge depending on how long you have been a member.

If we add recommendation the anime/manga pages directly as per my suggestion.
Recommendation Badge - Receive a badge for submitting recommended anime/manga.
The badges are nice, but in the display looks a bit awkward specially if you have more than one (i don't have any but looking at prophet's display you can tell!)