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  1. Senkusha

    How do you usually get rid of headaches?

    Oh, I totally understand this. You're body is a machine, and it needs rest, so whenever you have pain, your body is "displaying" an error message that needs your attention. Sometimes, the solution is simply rest (i.e., you've overheated the equipment!)
  2. Senkusha

    Mechanical Keyboards

    The only keyboard I'm using is a logitech "smartphone" keyboard. I'm not sure what the model is, but it's bluetooth, and I can switch between using my desktop computer and smartphone with the press of a button. The battery life is really great too!
  3. Senkusha

    Do you like cold or hot/warm shower?

    Hot shower. I usually end up releasing all the tension that my muscles are holding onto under the hot water.
  4. Senkusha

    How do you usually get rid of headaches?

    I usually try the acupressure points first. At the back and base of the skull there's two points, also the inside of the ear, above the ear canal there's a part that sticks out. I've found that pressing both of those pieces of cartage help. The temples. And the bridge of the nose helps...
  5. Senkusha

    Do you colour your hair?

    I don't color my hair. I can't afford it. But if I did, I love bright and loud colors, so maybe lime green, teal, purple, or cherry red. Neon pink would be appealing too. But I'd have to wear my hair in pigtails! Totally.
  6. Senkusha

    Last thing you ate/drank?

    Coffee and a burnt omelet. But tonight, I'm making bacon wrapped cheese stuffed chicken breasts over garlic rice with a side of broccoli florets, and probably an amaretto sour, or perhaps a white swan.
  7. Senkusha

    What you don't have to apologize for?

    This. But I usually default to just saying I'm sorry for bumping into people, when I wasn't the one who bumped into that person, they did it to me. I'm a klutz, I know I'm clumsy, and I know I don't have any peripheral vision, hence why I'm always bumping into people... and walls... and I...
  8. Senkusha

    Have you ever accidentally hurt yourself?

    When I was a kid, I think I was like 12, I was playing with some toy jet and had a destructive streak. I found a box cutter and started cutting into the toy and accidentally sliced my left wrist vertically (along the vein), and I think as luck would have it, right into my vein. I was home...
  9. Senkusha

    What should be free?

    I especially feel this right now, as I've lost my health coverage, and I'm running into difficulties getting enrolled into my work's plan (that I'll have to spend an additional $200/month for)...and hopefully my doctor and preferred "clinic" is covered.
  10. Senkusha

    What should be free?

    Seeing that I'm going to be one of these self-medicating people as I've just lost my Medicaid and I can't afford the $200/month insurance from my work AND pay rent each month.
  11. Senkusha

    What sound is very irritating for you?

    Yeah, my phone is only off Do Not Disturb on my days off. All other times, it's constantly on, so I don't have to be bothered with it. If somebody needs me, they can text me.
  12. Senkusha

    What sound is very irritating for you?

    Most people would say things like "Fingernails on a chalkboard", or "Paper tearing". But after years of working in Customer Help Desk, the sound of a telephone ringing drives me crazy. And it doesn't matter what the ringtone is. It could be a bell ringing, that office phone chirping, or even...
  13. Senkusha

    Do you like wearing shorts?

    You know, you could always do what us ladies do and just shave them legs! :LOL: Personally, I prefer to wear skirts.
  14. Senkusha

    How do you spend your free time?

    I enjoy writing. Specifically, I love role playing. Although, I guess this could be argued as a social commitment, I find it relaxing and entertaining.
  15. Senkusha

    What is your favorite scent/smell?

    Lavender is my all time favorite scent. Then Vanilla, and oddly enough, freshly baked pretzels, you know, the really big soft kind with the huge chunks of salt on them! :)
  16. Senkusha

    What should be free?

    1. Electricity. This is a modern civilization necessity. And it's been proven that we can generate it for free using a variety of techniques involving magnetism and/or elevation. 2. Insurance should not be a thing. It's a scam. Period. I pay a monthly rate for access to medical coverage...
  17. Senkusha

    If you won the lottery..

    That tells you quite a bit about the amount of propaganda the Government is spreading.
  18. Senkusha

    How are you currently feeling?

    A good remedy for water in the ear is to use a product for "swimmer's ear". It's usually a low quality alcohol product, a couple drops and it evaporates that pesky water in minutes.
  19. Senkusha

    How are you currently feeling?

    That's wise. I haven't done the Q-tip thing in years. I actually kind of like the sensation of the water squirting in and out of my ears. It kind of tickles, but scratches an itch at the same time. It's a strange sensation, and I can hear so much better afterwards.
  20. Senkusha

    If you won the lottery..

    Have you attempted to start following your dream of web/graphic design yet, @Sinistra ? Personally, I'm looking to start a game design company. Probably with a focus on role playing games, and I like computer game design too.