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Search results

  1. Shortie

    Will you be watching the UEFA Euro 2024?

    In June we will be seeing the UEFA Euro 2024 tournament start in which we see a whole month of football where all European teams play football in a bid to become the UEFA Euro Champions 2024. Me and my family love to watch the Euros and follow England to see how well they do, we are hoping...
  2. Shortie

    Your favourite forum genre?

    Most of us more than likely love to use forums but we may also have forum genres that we call our favourites that we tend to prefer to visit more often than others. I enjoy visiting all kinds of forums but my favourites would have to be gaming and general chat. What is your favourite forum...
  3. Shortie

    What program do you use to create your graphics?

    I remember when I first started creating graphics, I would go for the free trial of Photoshop but they made it difficult to keep getting the free trial and I came across GIMP which is just like Photoshop but free. I now tend to use both GIMP and Canva for my graphic creations and these both...
  4. Shortie

    Do you play Monopoly Go?

    Monopoly Go is a game I started playing in November 2023 and I have been playing it daily, missing maybe only a few days since I started playing. With so many different events going on, it's a fun game to play for a little a few times a day. Is there anyone here who plays Monopoly Go?
  5. Shortie

    Have you watched Good Burger 2?

    Did you manage to watch both movies? If so, how did you find them? I keep saying I am going to watch both again at some point but finding the time isn't always easy.
  6. Shortie

    Do you like buying Digital or Physical Copy?

    I always used to be someone who enjoyed getting a physical copy of a game. I enjoyed having a collection of games that I could show off but it soon got too much and I started running out of space. I now much prefer to get my games digitally, I know I have them and I own them and I don't have...
  7. Shortie

    What do you think is the most effective advertising method?

    When it comes to advertising a forum, I feel that staying consistent and being active around other forums is a good way of advertising. Many tend to put a lot of money into advertising but if you are someone who can't do that, using your skills and doing something you enjoy such as posting on...
  8. Shortie

    What streaming services do you have?

    At the moment I don't have any streaming services active. Still, I will be purchasing WWE Network next week for the Saudi Arabia pay-per-view and may consider getting Amazon Prime again for Amazon Video too. I know come the new year, I will be getting Netflix as WWE is moving RAW I believe...
  9. Shortie

    What game are you currently playing!

    I have been playing a lot of Farmville 3 and Monopoly Go on mobile recently, both are fun games and in some cases, can get addictive. I have also been playing a lot of Fortnite too, looking forward to a new season next week, this season has not been the greatest.
  10. Shortie

    Dogs or Cats?

    I grew up around both cats and dogs and I have had a pet cat myself since becoming an adult, we sadly lost her in July 2022 though. I love cats and dogs, but when it comes to taking care of them and having them as a pet, I would say cats come out on top.
  11. Shortie

    Do you colour your hair?

    This is very true. I could never understand why so many people never liked red hair as I always found it nice not only on others but also on myself. I tend to go for a darkish red rather than a bright one and I feel that works well.
  12. Shortie

    Do you colour your hair?

    I have in the past coloured my hair a few times but I wouldn't say I do it too often. I have in the past coloured my hair purple, red and even dark brown. The last time I coloured my hair was just before New Year and I went with a red then.
  13. Shortie

    Do you like cold or hot/warm shower?

    It depends on the time of year and how warm or cold the weather is as to what kind of shower I prefer. In the cold winter months, I prefer to have a warm, slightly hot shower. In the summer months I prefer to have a cool, lukewarm shower When we are in autumn and spring, I tend to go for...
  14. Shortie

    What made you instantly quit using a forum?

    I have in the past come across members and even staff members and owners who have made me want to instantly quit a forum. I tend to get on with everyone and want to be part of as many communities as I can be but there are times when something happens and you find out about it and you no longer...
  15. Shortie

    What fonts do you use?

    I tend to use a lot of fonts depending on the graphic I am creating. Spartan League is a favourite of mine if the graphic I am creating requires bold letters that stand out. I tend to use Da Font or 1001 Free Fonts when I am looking for a specific font that will work on the project I am working on.
  16. Shortie

    Favorite Film/Series Genre

    When it comes to movies, some of my favourite genres are Comedy Action Adventure Romance Fantasy One of my favourite movie series is Harry Potter, I can watch those movies over and over and never tire of them.
  17. Shortie

    Super Bowl LVIII Thread

    We were lucky to catch the Super Bowl after a huge power outage in our area last night. I stayed up to watch it as best I could as it is always on quite late for us in the UK but my eldest son stayed up and watched it all. He said it was a good game. Such a shame for the 49ers but...
  18. Shortie

    What are your thoughts on the VTuber trend?

    VTubers are something that has been around a while and at first, I never minded them and thought they were quite cool and a great way to keep their identity safe but also be themselves as well. Over the last year or so I will admit, they have started to go too far and become more sexualized I...
  19. Shortie

    Free Alternatives to Photoshop

    I remember when I first started out creating graphics, I started with Photoshop but I always used the free trials when I used that and after a while, that became and issue so I looked into free options and that was when I found out about GIMP. GIMP is one I use mostly now to create graphics...
  20. Shortie

    What's your favorite streaming service?

    When it comes to a streaming service I would say that my favourite especially for movies that I like to watch is a service we have called Now TV. It used to be Netflix for me but I found that started to get worse in terms of what they offered that I wanted to watch.